Hey, listen, when this all over, We’ll go to Toy’s R’ Us, then we’ll buy so many toys we can bring, how’s that? Then we’ll see fish in the sea world, having Mc donalds for our lunch, taking happy-meals and play them along the way home, at home? What’ll we do? We’ll play ship in my bed, then we’ll watch toy story all over and over again, okay? Anyway, have you guys been to Disneyland? We’ll go there, okay? It’ll be fun, I promise you guys. And then we’ll play snow and ice on winter, we’ll go to the liberty statue that you guys always taked about, or, we can go to Hawaii, we’ll swim on the beach.. Won’t it be fun?
Oh right! boy, I can’t wait having Christmas with you guys! I’ll make another cave and stables like the one we made together few years ago. This time, we’ll put all the toys there, okay? then, we’ll wake up the next day, we’ll make the Christmas tree, and this time, I’ll let you guys decorate it. I promise =). Then, after we go to church, we’ll eat in a fancy restaurant, we’ll take grandma with, and we’ll sleep on Christmas Eve together, I’ll read you guys a bed time stories about Christmas and Santa Claus! You guys believe that he’s real right?
Anyway, have you think something about our journey guys? I really have no idea right now, Day by day, I seems to be so lonely, I miss you guys a lot and I can’t not thinking about home. I’m waiting for August every day, the time I can see you guys again. But, hey, it’s not even December yet. hehe. I can only face it and conquer it, if it’s a long path, it’ll be a path that I’d walk through, where I can reach you guys at the end of the road. I won’t stop walking as you guys won’t stop cheering me every day. Although it’s bit hard I know, seeing you guys daily. Well, I still miss you guys, anyway..
You know, sometimes I cry, I can’t hold my tears when I remember you guys.. When I see your picture, your video, or when I imagine what are you guys doing right now, are you guys playing with the fridge? Eating while watching cartoon network, have you studied today? What did they teach you today at school?.. So many question I won’t stop asking, you know.. I can only pray that you guys will be nice to mom and dad, you guys won’t forget to eat, to bath or to study or, that you’ll not fight just because of toys or food, cos’ it’s kind’a dumb right, boys? And then.. I pray.. I hope that you guys will still remember me always.. I can’t stop laughing when I remember last time, after about a year I left you guys, you were surprised even scared looking at me, like you don’t recognize me..haha.. Well, it’s me boys…
Anyway guys, be good, okay?
Listen to your mom and dad, they know the best right now. I’ll see you guys soon, okay? Let me finish this page of mine, and let’s go home, okay?
Bye for now.. I’ll see you, when I see you… Love you Guys so much!