when the sun shines, so bright that i won't wake up and see the best summer day of the year, and kept sleeping as many wonderful things happened outside my bed room.
Then i woke up in a damn cold winter night, where no one's there enjoying the perfect sunshine, no orange-sunrise, no sunset like summer, nothing, but me, woke up in the wrong momentum..
so I slept again, hoping that the perfect summer day will wake me up..
But i always missed the day i should have wake up...
And wake up on the day i shouldn't have..
But why do i keep doing it, although i always miss it?
Or.. why do i keep missing it?
bahasanya terlalu bermain, sampai2 gak bisa dimengerti...
kowe nulis opo tho nduk..
memang bgtu maksudnya. karna yang saya rasakan saat ini,harus dikeluarkan tapi tidak mau saya publikasikan..hehehe..
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