So, me and this kind of person….
We see the same thing, case together in a different time and place, and we our self, have our own expectation about the things, things or cases that have some connection with us somehow. Small things, big things, that we’ve been expected. For example, me and my girlfriend always talk on phone, chat sometimes, but it’s better to call, because we can hear each other, but on chat, we can only read words .Its not as good as calling. So, for example, a promise of a call on weekend. Simple, right?. Okay, then…
Sometimes I think that my imagination of the reality of this thing is the best that can be happened. Because, well, maybe it’s good, romantic, happy ending, or maybe something else better, in my measurement. E. g, well I will call her at the moment she woke up in the morning, so that she’d be feel so “awwhhh, you’re so romantic..” like that. But, the other person that I’m talking about, in this case is the girl that I’d like to call.. is always surprisingly make something, some plan, until it become reality out of my boundaries of thinking. And it is always much better, so much more and more as mine. Example: she’d tell that the phone is broken although it’s not, but then she asked me to chat on skype,. I’d feel so disappointed, because it’s possible that I’ve been waiting to call the whole week, but now we’ll be only reading words. Sucks! But at the moment I was online, she talked on her brand new “just bought” microphone so clearly, then we enjoy the free chat with our voices. I was of course surprised. It’s an innovation for God sake!haha..
Anyway, what a damn good surprise. I never see it coming. And she said nothing about it, I mean about the “microphone buying things”. Many people don’t have the patience to hold surprises in silence, so then the person they are going to surprise know the surprise earlier. But this kind of person? Hell no.. they can be silence the whole year just for this surprise to be perfect when it happen. Shit. It’s so cool that it happened to me not just once.. and you know, it’s teasing me, it’s flirting me, I think it’s sexy and it’s making me turn on, well psychologically..hehe..
Then, I think that my mind is so much lousier than the mind of this kind of person. Finally, I can’t set something the way I want, and this someone makes it so much differently, beautifully, so cool and I can’t believe what I’ve seen or heard..hee..
This kind of person is a kind of rare type of person, I’d like to chat with. I never guess the next word like I can do with some people, and it’ll make the conversation interesting and so alive. And maybe some other things with this kind of person will be nice to know, “What now?” I just want to say it all over and over again.
This is definitely the realization of this phrase, “You’ll never know what’s inside the box!” or… the perfect description of a thrill in “and behind door number onneeeee…….!” Or just a good flirt for your mind to dream more and more, and imagine more and more, and try to guess what happen next, and then, you’ll find that this life isn’t just a box inside our self, it’s more than that, and it has many probability from every thing. Then you’ll start to think that this life is getting interesting.
"it's teasing me, it's flirting me, i think it's sexy, it's making me turn on"<<--gw kira lu lagi nulis naskah film biru, pas gw scrolled up lagi, baru ngeh' kalo topik sebenernya tentang brand-new-microphone-she've-secretly-bought -it..
*Dang* gw ketipu..
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