Believe it or not, i found a man, sitting next to me today, doing the same math things with me. And he was sitting there, arrogantly, starring at me and my work, and keep looking at it while i'm doing it, until... "Bang!" i made a mistake, at that time, he shouted and point his finger at my mistaken part and said," You have made a mistake!", just like he is always right, and then he started to show me the way it should be. But my God, it's just a mistake of calculation, it's not like i'm so stupid understanding the whole concept, cos' we're attending the same class, at the same time, esp. the time when the problem solving that i was doing today was explained. I used to be mad and angrily react suddenly after a person act so arrogant. to be more exact, this man, had gone several times to far with my nerve, and the problem is always something you don't have to shout about, show off or done in an arrogant way, well, but he totally did . Anyway, These weeks is a bit stress weeks cos' we're having exam soon, and it should have increase the emotion, i thought. but today, hmm, i don't know, i just feel like, "come on.. it's just math..". And i somehow thought that he need some space to be on his comfort-zone, so he can probably say, "Yeah! I'm the man!" and i don't mind, go ahead i said, and then i leave him for a lunch. And this afternoon, come this "used to be boring" horoscope stuff, but today, i think it's a bit interesting yet, remarkable: 
Bottom Line:
If you encounter arrogance today, you'll find it amusing --
so laugh in their face.
In Detail:
When you encounter arrogance, you usually get angry. But today when you come across someone who thinks they invented the world, your first response probably won't be anger, it will be amusement. You have such a good sense of who you are right now that you are not threatened by anyone else. The only exception to this reaction might be in the presence of an insecure authority figure who's overcompensation. You can still find it amusing, but just don't show it!
What a coincidence! Hahaha! It is right.. today is the horoscope not sucks as usual. Or it is actually not sucks at all? Is it just me who never feel it? Na Egal!
elu lagi marahan sama eric ya? hmh..yaudah lah sang..eric kan emang gitu, ngertiin aja lah..ntar juga dia balik lagi ke elu..
gwe sayang banget sama ERIK! (wueekk..)hahaha..
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